Hydrex White Paper No. 1 Ship Hull Performance in the Post-TBT Era
Hydrex White Paper No. 1 Ship Hull Performance in the Post-TBT Era – How to save money while improving hull performance and dramatically reducing environmental impact
A complete analysis of the effects of biofouling on fuel consumption and steps to take which will reduce fuel costs enormously with minimal environmental impact.
Hydrex White Paper No. 2 The Slime Factor
Hydrex White Paper No. 2 The Slime Factor – Shipowners/operators can gain enormous savings through advanced underwater hull maintenance technology
This white paper goes into the enormous effects of slime on fuel consumption and therefore GHG emissions, and the best approach to dealing with it.
Hydrex White Paper No. 3 Clean Ship Hulls and Ports – Without Compromise
White Paper No. 3 Clean Ship Hulls and Ports – Without Compromise – Best approach to safeguarding of the marine environment through correct hull protection and maintenance
How the environmental problems to the oceans and ports caused by fouling and by antifouling coatings can be avoided in a cost-effective manner.
Hydrex White Paper No. 4 Ship Hull Coating Systems Simplified
Hydrex White Paper No. 4 Ship Hull Coating Systems Simplified – How to choose the right ship hull coating system, from an economic and environmental perspective – an executive manual
This White Paper is an overview of the possibilities for ship hull protection and fouling control available commercially at this time, giving the strengths and weaknesses of each system so that a decision maker or executive responsible for selection of hull coating systems for ships or fleets can make an accurate and informed choice when it comes to painting ship hulls, at newbuild stage or when the ship is to be drydocked for repainting.
Hydrex White Paper No. 5 Underwater ship hull cleaning: cost-effective, non-toxic fouling control
White Paper No. 5 Underwater ship hull cleaning: cost-effective, non-toxic fouling control – A practical guide to industrial underwater ship hull cleaning, its value and limitations, and how to institute a workable program for optimizing ship hull performance and saving fuel with due concern for the environment
This White Paper covers the practice of underwater ship hull cleaning for fuel savings from a highly practical point of view and explains how underwater ship hull cleaning can be delivered on an industrial level. It covers the benefits to the environment and to shipowners/operators of high quality, industrial underwater ship hull cleaning, what to look for in a provider, which kinds of hull coatings lend themselves to underwater cleaning and which do not, what kind of equipment is best for effective underwater hull cleaning and how to achieve a 100% clean hull, required if the spread of invasive species is to be curtailed.
Hydrex White Paper No. 6 Rudder cavitation erosion solved
Hydrex White Paper No 6 Rudder cavitation erosion solved – How to put a permanent end to costly, repeated rudder repair and replacement.
The White Paper describes the problem of rudder cavitation erosion and subsequent corrosion, so common to rudders coated with conventional underwater paint, and provides the permanent solution to this heretofore unresolved problem so well known to shipowners, operators and the engineering department.
Hydrex White Paper No. 7 Is the Writing on the Wall for Copper-based Antifouling Paint?
Hydrex White Paper 7 Is the Writing on the Wall for Copper-based Antifouling Paint? – A close look at restrictions and legislation on copper and co-biocide based anti-fouling paints and a comparison with the cycle which led to the eventual ban of TBT
Hydrex White Paper No 7 outlines the history of legislation and restriction on biocidal antifouling systems and draws a comparison between the rise, decline and eventual fall of TBT based AF systems with what is currently happening with copper and co-biocide based AF. The purpose is to help shipowners/operators predict what is coming and make the right decisions when it comes to hull coatings on newbuilds and repainting
Hydrex White Paper No. 8 Invasive Aquatic Species
Hydrex White Paper No. 8 Invasive Aquatic Species – A proposed alternative solution
Hydrex White Paper No. 8 takes a close look at the subject of hull-borne aquatic invasive species, a hot topic at present. The IMO, the governments of Australia and New Zealand, the state of Calfornia in the USA among others are working on regulations and legislation to help prevent the spread of non-indigenous species (NIS) via ship hull fouling. This White Paper presents a solution to the problem which can be considered best available technology today. It is environmentally friendly and economically viable.
Hydrex White Paper No. 9 Hull Coating Degradation – the Hidden Cost
Hydrex White Paper No. 9, Hull Coating Degradation – the Hidden Cost – How to avoid large fuel penalties, without repeated drydocking and hull repainting
This White Paper aims to collect available information on the effects of hull coating degradation, invite reader participation in gathering additional experiential information, and highlight a system which does not undergo degradation over time but in fact becomes hydrodynamically smoother as the ship ages, operating as it does on entirely different principles than the coating systems in general use.
Hydrex White Paper No. 10 Propeller Maintenance: Polish or Clean?
Hydrex White Paper No. 10 Propeller Maintenance: Polish or Clean? – An easy way to save 5-15% of your ship’s fuel costs without harm to the environment
A practical look at ship propeller maintenance, aimed at greater fuel economy for shipowners and operators while also taking into consideration the environmental impact caused by this maintenance.
Hydrex White Paper No. 11 Extending the Drydocking Interval to Ten Years
Hydrex White Paper No. 11 Extending the Drydocking Interval to Ten Years – From a hull protection and fouling control point of view, a ten year drydocking interval is perfectly feasible and very economical
The biggest challenge to a 7.5, 10 or even longer interval between drydocking is hull protection and biofouling control. This White Paper provides an viable answer to this challenge, availalble and commercially in use now.
Hydrex White Paper No. 12, Ship-hull Performance Optimization Tool (SPOT) (PILOT)
This White Paper launches a new, simple method of optimizing a ship or fleet’s hull coating system and hull and propeller maintenance which can be used by shipowners and operators, officers and crew, without the need for complex instrumentation or computer programs. The system is a pilot project at this point but is in fairly mature form.
Hydrex White Paper No 12A, Ship-hull Performance Optimization Tool (SPOT) Quick-start Guide (PILOT)
This is a Quick-start Guide to the Ship-hull Performance Optimization Tool (SPOT) pilot which is described in full in Hydrex White Paper No, 12. The White Papers describe a simple method which can be used by any shipowner, officers and crew to optimize the efficiency and performance of hull and propeller.
Hydrex White Paper No. 13, Conquering Corrosion in Offshore Vessels
Best practices for corrosion prevention for the submerged hulls and tanks of offshore vessels, inside and out
A breakthrough in simplification of the theory of corrosion of the underwater hulls of ships and the best practices for eliminating this costly and elusive problem.
Hydrex White Paper No. 14, Hull Protection for Ice-going Vessels
Tackling the special coating requirements of the hulls and running gear of ice-going ships and icebreakers.
Ice represents a severe hazard to ships. Icy waters, icebergs, packed ice, old ice, first year ice, lava- or gravel-laden ice or any other form of ice are all significantly more challenging to a ship than water. More than in any other marineapplication, choices regarding ships that will sail in ice can be a matter of life or death.